Signatur |
Titel |
1 Abh 20 |
Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Univ. Hamburg |
1 Act 68 |
Acta Numerica |
1 Act 80 |
Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum |
1 Adv 20 |
Advances in Applied Probability |
1 Adv 30 |
Advances in Geometry |
1 Akc 20 |
AKCE : International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics |
1 Alg 50 |
Algebraic and Geometric Topology |
1 Ana 20 |
Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii "Al.I.Cuza" din Iasi: Matematica |
1 Ana 62 |
Analele Universitatii Bucuresti: Informatica |
1 Ann 80 |
Annales de l'Institut Fourier |
1 Ann 160 |
Annales Scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale Sup�rieure |
1 Ann 220 |
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa |
1 Ann 250 |
Annals of Applied Probability |
e-only ! |
Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry |
1 Ann 280 |
Annals of Mathematics |
1.5 Ann 20 |
Annals of Mathematics Studies |
1 Ann 300 |
Annals of Probability |
1 Ann 320 |
Annals of Statistics |
1 Ann 330 |
Annals of the History and Philosophy of Biology |
1 Ann 340 |
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics |
1 Ann 350 |
Annals of the Polish Mathematical Society; Series 1: Commentationes Mathematicae |
1 Ann 355 |
Annals of the University of Bucharest (mathematical series) |
1 Ann 360 |
Annuaire de l'Universit� de Sofia |
1 Ant 40 |
Antike Naturwissenschaft und ihre Rezeption |
1 Ara 20 |
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy |
1 Arc 135 |
Archiv-Info |
1 Arc 130 |
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences |
1 Arc 140 |
Archivum Mathematicum |
1 Ast 20 |
Ast�risque |
1 Ast 40 |
Astin Bulletin |
1 Att 40 |
Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell'Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia |
1 Aug 8/Mag 3 |
Augusta : Wolfenb�tteler Bibliotheks-Informationen |
e-only ! |
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics |
1 Ber 250 |
Bernoulli |
1 Bio 80 |
Biometrika |
e-only ! |
1 Bla 120 |
Bl�tter f�r Technikgeschichte |
1 Bol 20 |
Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana |
1 Bul 40 |
Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi |
1 Bul 210 |
Bulletin of the History of Chemistry |
1 Bul 340 |
Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica |
1 Bul 355 |
Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society |
1 Bul 360 |
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society |
1 Bul 390 |
Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society |
1 Cah 20 |
Cahiers de Topologie et G�ometrie Diff�rentielle Cat�goriques |
1 Can 20 |
Canadian Journal of Mathematics |
e-only ! |
Canadian Journal of Statistics |
1.5 Cla 20 |
Clay Mathematics Monographs |
1 Col 20 |
Collectanea Mathematica |
1 Com 10 |
Combinatorica |
e-only ! |
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing |
1 Com 20 |
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici |
1 Com 60 |
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae |
1 Com 105 |
Communicationes de Historia Artis Medicinae |
1 Com 123 |
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics |
1 Com 124 |
Communications in Mathematical Physics |
e-only ! |
Communications in Mathematical Sciences |
1 Com 180 |
Compositio Mathematica |
1 Con 10 |
Constructive Approximation |
1.5 Cur 100 |
Current Developments in Mathematics |
1 Cus 20 |
Cusanus-Jahrbuch |
1 Cze 20 |
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal |
e-only ! |
Demonstratio Mathematica |
1 Dre 20 / Mag 3 |
Dresdener Beitr�ge zur Geschichte der Technikwissenschaften |
1 Ele 40 |
Elemente der Mathematik |
1 Ens 20 |
Enseignement Math�matique |
1 Eur 8 |
European Actuarial Journal |
1 Fer 40 |
Ferrum |
1 Fin 20 |
Finance and Stochastics |
1 Fix 50 |
Fixed Point Theory |
1 Gam 20 |
GAMM - Mitteilungen : Gesellschaft f�r Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik |
e-only ! |
Geometriae Dedicata |
1 Geo 80 |
Geometric and Functional Analysis |
1 Geo 90 |
Geometry and Topology |
1 Ges 180 |
Gesnerus |
1 Gla 20 |
Glasnik Matematicki |
1.5 Gra 20 |
Graduate Texts in Mathematics |
1 Hir 20 |
Hiroshima Mathematical Journal |
e-only ! |
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences |
1 His 180 |
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences |
1 His 240 / Mag 3 |
History Newsletter / Center for History of Physics Newsletter |
1 His 360 |
History of Technology |
1 Hok 20 |
Hokkaido Mathematical Journal |
1 Hum 120 |
Humboldt Kosmos : Mitteilungen der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung |
1 Ill 20 |
Illinois Journal of Mathematics |
1 Ind 40 |
Indiana University Mathematics Journal |
1.5 Int 60 |
International Series of Numerical Mathematics |
e-only ! |
Inventiones Mathematicae. Berlin |
1 Isi 40 |
Isis |
1 Isr 20 |
Israel Journal of Mathematics |
1 Ist 20 |
Istanbul �niversitesi fen Fak�ltesi Matematik,Fizik ve Astronomi Dergisi |
1 Izv 40 |
Izvestija Akademii Nauk |
1 Jah 8 |
Jahrbuch : Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina |
1 Jah 40 |
Jahrbuch der Akademie der Wissenschaften in G�ttingen |
1 Jah 60 |
Jahrbuch der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften |
1 Jah 13 |
Jahrbuch: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft |
1 Jou 70 |
Journal de Th�orie des Nombres de Bordeaux |
1 Jou 80 |
Journal f�r die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik |
1 Jou 109 |
Journal of Algebraic Geometry |
1 Jou 160 |
Journal of Applied Probability |
e-only ! |
Journal of Combinatorial Theory; B |
1 Jou 240 |
Journal of Differential Geometry |
1 Jou 280 |
Journal of Geometry |
1 Jou 410 |
Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Tokyo |
1 Jou 415 |
Journal of Mathematics: Tokushima University |
1 Jou 600 |
Journal of the American Statistical Association |
1 Jou 630 |
Journal of the European Mathematical Society |
1 Jou 690 |
Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society |
1 Jou 700 |
Journal of the London Mathematical Society |
1 Jou 720 |
Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan |
e-only ! |
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. London. Serie B |
1 Jou 850 |
Journal of Topology |
1 Kod 20 |
Kodai Mathematical Journal |
1 Kul 40 |
Kultur und Technik |
1 Kyo 20 |
Kyoto Journal of Mathematics |
1 Kyu 60 |
Kyushu Journal of Mathematics |
1.5 Lec 20 |
Lecture Notes in Mathematics |
1 Let 50 |
Letters in Mathematical Physics : LMP |
1.5 Lon 105 |
London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes : Surveys in Combinatorics |
1 Lyc 30 |
Lychnos |
1 Mat 5 |
Matematica, Cultura e Societ�: Rivista dell'Unione Matematica Italiana |
1 Mat 160 |
Mathematica |
e-only ! |
Mathematical Finance |
1 Mat 320 |
Mathematical Journal of Okayama University |
1 Mat 345 |
Mathematical Methods of Statistics |
1 Mat 380 |
Mathematical Programming : Ser. A + B |
1 Mat 410 |
Mathematical Reports |
1 Mat 415 |
Mathematical Research Letters |
1 Mat 500 |
Mathematics of Operations Research |
1 Mat 660 |
Mathematische Annalen |
1 Mat 780 |
Mathematische Zeitschrift |
1 Med 180 |
Medizinhistorisches Journal |
1 Men 40 |
Mensch, Wissenschaft, Magie |
1 Mic 20 |
Michigan Mathematical Journal |
1 Mit 3 |
Mitteilungen : Gauss-Gesellschaft e.V. G�ttingen |
1 Mit 40 |
Mitteilungen der Mathematischen Gesellschaft Hamburg |
e-only ! |
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation (SIAM) |
1 Nac 10 |
Nachrichten aus dem Institut f. Geschichte d. Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Technik |
1 Nac 60 |
Nachrichtenblatt der Deutschen Gesellsch. f. Geschichte d. Medizin, Naturwiss. u. Technik |
1 Nat 30 |
Natural Science Report of the Ochanomizu University |
e-only ! |
Networks and Heterogenous Media |
1 Nor 140 |
North American Actuarial Journal |
1 Nov 20 |
Nova Acta Leopoldina |
1 Nov 21 |
Nova Acta Leopoldina: Supplementum |
1 Nov 120 |
Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics |
1 Ntm 20 |
NTM : Internationale Zeitschrift f. Geschichte u. Ethik d. Naturwiss... |
1 Num 80 |
Numerische Mathematik |
1 Nun 40 |
Nuncius |
1 Obe 120 |
Oberwolfach Reports |
1 Ope 20 |
Operations Research |
1 Ors 40 |
OR Spectrum : quantitative approaches in management |
1 Osa 20 |
Osaka Journal of Mathematics |
1 Osi 40 |
Osiris |
1 Pac 20 |
Pacific Journal of Mathematics |
e-only ! |
PAMM: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics |
1 Pha 101 / Mag 4 |
Pharmaziehistorische Bibliographie |
1 Phy 5 |
Physics in Perspective |
1 Phy 100 |
Physis |
1 Pro 20 |
Probability and Mathematical Statistics |
1.5 Pro 120 |
Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics |
1 Pro 140 |
Proceedings of the Japan Academy |
1 Pro 160 |
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society |
1 Pub 20 |
Publicationes Mathematicae. Debrecen |
1 Pub 60 |
Publications de l'Institut Math�matique. Belgrad |
1 Ren 80 |
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Universita di Padova |
1 Ren 60 |
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico. Torino |
1 Ren 160 |
Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni |
1 Res 2 |
Research Report: Max-Planck-Institut f�r Wissenschaftsgeschichte |
1 Res 20 |
Results in Mathematics |
1 Rev 255 |
Revue d'Histoire des Sciences |
1 Rev 280 |
Revue Roumaine de Math�matique Pures et Appliqu�es |
1 Riv 20 |
Rivista di Matematica della Universita Parma |
1 Ros 20 |
Rostocker Mathematisches Kolloquium |
1 Sai 20 |
Saitama Mathematical Journal |
1 San 20 |
Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics |
1 Sca 20 |
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal |
1 Sci 150 |
Scientific Annals of Computer Science |
e-only ! |
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems |
e-only ! |
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics |
e-only ! |
SIAM Journal on Computing |
e-only ! |
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization |
e-only ! |
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics |
e-only ! |
SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics |
e-only ! |
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences |
e-only ! |
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis |
e-only ! |
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications |
e-only ! |
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis |
e-only ! |
SIAM Journal on Optimization |
e-only ! |
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing |
e-only ! |
SIAM Review |
e-only ! |
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification |
SIAMNews ( nur lfd. Jahrg�nge vorhanden ) |
1 Sta 25 |
Statistica Sinica |
1 Sta 130 |
Statistics and Risk Modeling |
1.5 Stu 10 |
Student Mathematical Library |
1 Stu 11 |
Studia Leibnitiana |
1 Stu 60 |
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai: Mathematica |
1 Stu 160 |
Studium |
1 Sud 40 |
Sudhoffs Archiv |
1.5 Sur 60 |
Surveys in Differential Geometry |
1 Tam 20 |
Tamkang Journal of Mathematics. Taipei |
1 Tec 10 |
Technikgeschichte |
TEXnische Kom�die, Die (nur lfd. Jg. vorhanden) |
e-only! |
The Journal of Symplectic Geometry |
e-only ! |
Theory of Probability and its Applications (SIAM) |
1 Toh 20 |
Tohoku Mathematical Journal |
1 Tok 20 |
Tokyo Journal of Mathematics |
1 Toy 80 |
Toyama Mathematical Journal |
Universit�t Hamburg: Personal- und Vorlesungsverzeichnis (nur lfd. Jg. vorhanden) |
1 Ver 160 |
Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg |
1 Vie 20 / Mag 3 |
Vierteljahresschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Z�rich |
1 Yok 20 |
Yokohama Mathematical Journal |
1 Zei 40 |
Zeitschrift f�r Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik |
1 Zei 90 |
Zeitschrift f�r Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften |
e-only ! |
Zentralblatt MATH |