Research Area Applied Mathematics
Research groups "Differential Equation and Dynamical Systems" (DD)
and "Optimization and Approximation" (OA)
Department of Mathematics
Applied Mathematics
Bundesstraße 55
Sekretaries / Administrative Office
Monika Jampert
Room 111, phone: +49 49 42838-5116
/ homepage
Secr. for: J. Behrens, I. Gasser, H. Ranocha, J. Struckmeier, P. Kunde
(Responsibilities: Lehrexport TUHH, Room Management (incl. employee database),
Support of Webpages)
Katrin Kopp
Room 134, phone: +49 49 42838-4941
/ homepage
Secr. for: C. Brandt, A. Iske, M. Siebenborn, T. Schmidt, W. Wollner
(Responsibilities: Colloquium Ang. Math.,
Lothar Collatz Center for Computing in Science (C3S) with Colloquium)
Birgit Mehrabadi
Room 121, phone: +49 49 42838-5108
/ homepage
Secr. for: Erasmus+ (P. Wedrich), ZMP (C. Schweigert)
(Responsibilities: Erasmus+ Programme,
Center for Mathematical Physiks (ZMP) incl. Colloquium and preprint database)
Astrid Benz Rom. M. A.
Room 117, phone: +49 49 42838-5115
/ homepage
Secr. for: MathMods (I. Gasser)
[Uni HH: only MathMods /
TUHH: regular position starting 01.10.2021 (for 5 years)]
email secretaries (mail distributor):
The contents of these web pages are a summary
of the contents of the web pages of the work areas
"Differential equations and dynamical systems" (DD)
and "Optimization and Approximation" (OA).
These two work areas are derived from the former
Institute of Applied Mathematics (AM)
and continue to work closely together in teaching and research.
The AngMath working group also includes the newly founded
"Lothar Collatz Center for Computing in Science" (C3S)
with the Lothar Collatz Graduate School and the
Research Training Group 2583 "Modeling, Simulation and Optimization
of Fluid Dynamics Applications".
You can find further information and links in the section