Collatz Week
Celebratory Colloquium of the University
on the occasion of Lothar Collatz's 100th birthday
October 4 to October 8, 2010, Hamburg
October 4 - 6, 2010 |
Alumni Workshop
(Organization: Gerhard Opfer, Bodo Werner)
04.10.: Bundesstr. 53 (ZMAW), Room 022/023
05.10. and 06.10.: Bundesstr. 55 (Geomatikum), Lecture Hall 5
Walter Alt,
Erich Bohl,
Michael Dellnitz,
Ludwig Elsner,
Werner Krabs,
Rita Meyer-Spasche,
Frank Natterer,
Gerhard Opfer,
Manfred Trümper,
Heinrich Voss,
Bodo Werner
October 5, 2010 19 h |
Alumni Workshop Dinner
"Ruderclub Allemannia von 1866",
An der Alster 47a (Gurlittinsel), 20099 Hamburg
October 6, 2010 16:30-19:00 h |
Celebratory Colloquium of the University
on the occasion of Lothar Collatz's 100th birthday
with following reception
Main Building of the University,
Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, 20146 Hamburg,
Lecture Hall B (Agathe-Lasch)
October 7 - 8, 2010 |
Symposium of Applied Mathemactis
(Organization: Michael Hinze)
07.10.: Bundesstr. 55 (Geomatikum), Lecture Hall 1
08.10.: Bundesstr. 55 (Geomatikum), Lecture Hall 4
Peter Deuflhard (ZiB Berlin)
Günter Leugering (Erlangen)
Peter Markowich (Cambridge)
Felix Otto (Bonn)
Alfio Quarteroni (Lausanne)
Jürgen Sprekels (WIAS Berlin)
October 7, 2010 19 h |
Symposium Dinner
Warsteiner Elbspeicher,
Große Elbstraße 39, 22767 Hamburg.
Conference Place and Addresses: |
Bundesstraße 55 (Geomatikum), 20146 Hamburg
Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, 20148 Hamburg (Main Building of the University)