Computational methods for imaging (Winter term 2019)
This seminar will cover different topics for mathematical imaging depending on the prior knowlegde of the participants. Possible
topics are for example different inverse problems in imaging applications and variational regularization methods leading to
optimization problems.
The semiar will be a block seminar. The concrete dates of the seminar will be discussed together with the participants in a
first meeting in October.
Time schedule and topics
- 12.12.2019, room 415
- Linear filters and convolution
- Windowed Fourier transform and continuous wavelet transform - cancelled!
- Discrete wavelet transform and image compression
- Bayesian inversion framework
- Optical flow estimation
- 10.01.2020, lecture hall H3
- Nonlinear diffusion - Perona Malik equation - postponed to 17.1.19
- Denoising images - wavelet shrinkage denoising
- Denoising images - Total variation denoising postponed to 17.1.19
- 16.01.2020, room 415
- Sparsity-promoting regularization
- TV regularized reconstruction via Chambolle-Pock algorithm
- Nonlinear inverse problems
- Image inpainting cancelled!
- 17.01.2020 (alternative date), room 127
- Nonlinear diffusion - Perona Malik equation
- Denoising images - Total variation denoising
Bredies & Lorenz, Mathematical image processing
Aubert & Kornprobst, Mathematical problems in image processing
Engl, Hanke, Neubauer, Regularization of inverse problems